Master of Computer Application
Subject Name : Database Management Systems – II
Subject Code : 620006
Objectives: This course is intended to give students knowledge of how RDBMS is
managed. It will prepare a theoretical as well as practical background of RDBMS.
Prerequisites: Database designing and retrieving using SQL and PL/SQL
1. Transaction Processing and Concurrency control
Transaction concepts : Transaction execution and Problems, Transaction execution
and control with SQL, Transaction properties, Transaction log, Concurrency control,
Locking methods for concurrency control, Timestamp methods for concurrency
control, Optimistic methods for concurrency control (Read phase, validation phase,
Write phase), Deadlock handling – detection and resolution
2. Database backup and Recovery
Need of Database backup, Database backup techniques, Types of Database failures,
Types of Database recovery (Forward recovery, Backward recovery, Media
recovery), Recovery techniques (Deffered Update, Immediate update, Shadow
Paging, Checkpoints), Buffer management.
3. Implementing Security in Databases
Security & integrity threats, Defense mechanisms, Statistical database auditing &
control, Granting/revoking of privileges using SQL
4. Introduction to Other Databases
Overview of parallel databases, Overview of Distributed databases, Overview of
Object oriented databases
5. Relational Algebra
Basic operators (Select, project, union, set, difference, Cartesian product and
Additional operators (Set interaction, Natural Join, Division and Assignment
Insert, Update, Delete operators.
6. Query Processing and Optimization
Overview, Query interpretation, Equivalence of expressions, Algorithm for
executing query operations, Heuristics of Query, Optimization cost estimation of
queries, Basic query optimization strategies:Selection operation, Sorting, Join
Main Reference books :
1. “Database Systems:Concepts, Design and Applications”, S. K. Singh., Pearson
Education, (2006),ISBN: 978-81-7758-567-4.
2. “Database System Concepts”, Silberscatz, Korth, Sudarshan, Fifth Edition,
McGraw Hill International Edition, ISBN: 007-124476-X.
3. “An Inroduction to Database Systems”, C.J.Date, A. Kannan, S. Swaminathan,
Pearson Education, Eighth Edition,(2006),ISBN: 978-81-7758-556-8
Suggested Additional
1. “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Elmsasri, Navathe, , Pearson Education ,
Fifth Edition (2008), ISBN: 978-81-317-1625-0
2. Database Management Systems, Ramakrishnan, Gehrke, , McGraw Hill, Third
3. “Database Systems: Design, Implementation and Management”, Peter Rob,
Carlos Coronel, Cengage Learning , Seventh Edition(2007)ISBN-13:978-81-315-
0319-5 .
Chapter wise Coverage from the main reference book(s):
Book No. 1: Chapters – 4, 11,14,15,17,18
Book No. 2: Chapters-- 15,16,17
Accomplishments of the student after completing the course:
Knowledge of handing multiple transactions effectively, query processing and query
optimization concepts.
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